WATCH | Indian cyclist Vishavjeet Singh escapes a horrifying crash at CWG 2022

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Vishavjeet Singh, an Indian cyclist who made it to the final of the men's 15 km scratch race, narrowly avoided being involved in the catastrophic Commonwealth Games disaster. The incident occurred on Sunday in the penultimate lap of the 10-lap qualifying scratch race, which was when it occurred.

On the course of London's Lee Valley Velo Park, eight cyclists collided. After falling over the barricades, the 24-year-old Olympic champion from England, Matt Walls, received stitches, scratches, and bruises. According to a local official, Matt Bostock from the Isle of Man and Derek Gee from Canada were both brought to the hospital after suffering minor wounds.

Dayalram Jatt, the cycling coach for team India, reported that spectators were hurt as well, with one being carried away in a wheelchair after cyclists and motorcycles slammed into the throng. According to Jatt, who described the event, Singh was slightly behind the pack but showed foresight by braking in time to get away.

"It requires tremendous skill to brake in time in that rush of blood and he did exactly that to stop behind as bikes flew into the barriers. It was simply horrific, I never saw such an accident. We were left shaking in fear for some time," Jatt told PTI from London.

But Vishavjeet made sure that he became the first athlete in a multisport competition to make it to a historic final. In the final, which included 60 laps, Singh was leading but fell behind in the last lap, earning a penalty point and earning the designation "did not finish (DNF)".

"But overall, I'm happy for Singh to have survived the crash and make the final," the coach said.

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