Overreaction Monday ft Barcelona’s status as an elite side, Liverpool and Lucky Zinedine Zidane

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Overthinking and over-reacting to situations is the human way but when it comes to football something clicks in a person that makes things comical, ludicrous and rarely sensible. That being said after a jam-packed weekend of hysterical fans in Europe, there were bound to be a few hare-brained ideas.

Football should be played behind closed doors permanently

With a catalogue of players thriving, teams doing far better than anyone expected and even crowd noises slowly warming up to people, those on the interweb have claimed that football should be played behind closed doors permanently

SC Take: While there is a genuine claim for this take, it’s a slight overreaction based on the fact that a few players have gotten used to playing football without fans criticizing and probing them. That shockingly seems to have helped many thrive in what has been tough times for the world, although not every player is like that. But not having fans, permanently or atleast playing football behind closed doors permanently is a borderline ridiculous take.

It goes above and beyond an overreaction especially since football at it’s very soul is a community sport much like every other sport on this planet. That also applies to individual sports like Table tennis, Tennis, fencing, swimming and so many others. Saying that not having fans to jeer on and add pressure helps players perform, then naturally the interweb is right. But is removing the atmosphere and the soul of a sport, just for pure performance?

Once Barcelona loses Lionel Messi, they’ll stop being an elite side.

Lionel Messi’s contract issues combined with reports that the Argentine could leave has seen many claim that without the best footballer of the modern generation, Barcelona would stop being an elite side.

SC Take: Barcelona will never stop being an elite side. Their dominance since the late 2000s, their historic performances and the way the La Liga has been built will ensure that the Catalan giants are an elite side. Lionel Messi’s performances season after season has ensured a lasting legacy that will go well beyond the date he picks to retire and that’s even if he leaves. But if the Argentine does eventually leave the Camp Nou, then that’s another problem altogether.

Their dependence on their captain is beyond incredible and even in one of his worst seasons as an individual has seen him score 25 goals and add a further 21 assists. The latter is a La Liga record and the former is another record with this being the bare minimum Messi’s managed over the last seven straight seasons. The writing after he leaves/or retires is on the wall but saying Barcelona will stop being an elite club just because of that is an overreaction.

Records or not, this is Liverpool’s greatest Premier League team

Two losses and two draws in seven post restart games will mean that Liverpool won’t get their hands on the points record but despite that fans across the world have claimed this is Liverpool’s greatest Premier League team.

SC Take: Duh. If there was ever anything blatantly obvious about football or football history for that fact is this. Because this is without a doubt Liverpool’s greatest Premier League team in the history of the Premier League and that’s saying something. They’re not the greatest English top tier or Premier League team for that matter but they are without a doubt Liverpool’s greatest Premier League team. Not that they have any opposition but winning their first Premier League trophy should grant them that without a shadow of a doubt.

Their capitulation after winning the title has been sensational and while the world will laugh at them for this, few will ever forget what the Reds have done this season. The extraordinary abilities and nature of this Liverpool side will fade like the Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal teams of the past but they will always be remembered as Liverpool’s greatest Premier League team. They could have been one of the greatest ever but settling for one of Liverpool's greatest teams, definitely not their greatest, is not a bad trophy.

Zinedine Zidane has been nothing but a lucky manager

Having booked his second La Liga title to add to a catalogue of trophies as Real Madrid’s manager, the magnificent world of Twitter has claimed that Zinedine Zidane is nothing but a lucky manager.

SC Take: There will always be an element of luck but the fact of the matter is that Zinedine Zidane has managed to do what countless managers, between himself and Jose Mourinho failed to do. That’s win a league title and then the Frenchman, unhappy with sharing that with Mourinho has taken it to another level and done what no manager since Vincente Del Bosque did during his tenure with the Los Blancos. 

That’s winning two league titles but combine that with three consecutive Champions League crowns and it places the Frenchman at par to be one of the best the club has ever had. Add that to his eleven trophies as a manager all the while managing Real Madrid, it cements his legacy as a great manager. And as the 2018/19 season proved, it takes a certain type of manager to help get the best out of this Real Madrid team. Simply appointing a man to manage a dressing room of superstars doesn’t help. But Zidane is lucky, right?

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