CoA does not have the authority to disqualify any association for non-compliance, says TNCA

The Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) has claimed that the CoA does not have the authority to disqualify any association for not being compliant to the BCCI’s constitution. Earlier, the Supreme-Court appointed CoA had sent out an official notice for the BCCI AGM on October 23.
The official notice sent out by the CoA stated that only those members of the BCCI that are compliant to the new constitution would be permitted to participate in the AGM. The CoA had also sent show-causes to the Haryana Cricket Association (HCA) and the Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) — besides the TNCA — for their constitution not being in line. In their response, the TNCA secretary has claimed that the CoA are not authorised to disqualify any association for non-compliance.
"The job of the CoA, as per the directions issued in the 9th August judgment, is only to file a status report with reference to the compliance undertaken by the state associations. It is further pertinent to note that no authority whatsoever has been given to the CoA to take any action against any non compliant association. The judgment itself provides for the consequences of noncompliance and there is nothing for the CoA to do in such cases," the TNCA letter said, reported IANS.
"The TNCA has fully complied with the directions issued by the Supreme Court in its 9th August Judgment. The objections raised by the CoA to the said compliance are pending consideration before the Supreme Court and will be finally decided by it,” the letter noted.
The TNCA has thus asked the CoA to withdraw the show-cause notice.
"It is thus submitted that the illegal and contemptuous show cause notice under reply be withdrawn forthwith," the letter added.
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