Massive irregularities between two PSL edition resulted in loss of millions, audit reveals

A special audit report of the year 2017-18 of the Pakistan Super League highlighted irregular payments to franchises, irregular advance payment to vendors, non-recovery of due from franchise, TA/DA to journalists and the members of Board of Governors. The total amount of loss adds up to millions.
The Auditor General of Pakistan pointed out massive irregularities through the audit report, which was presented before the National Assembly on Monday, on the first two editions of the PSL and those irregularities resulted in the loss of millions of rupees.
The report, as long as 39 paragraphs, makes it clear that the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) had to face a loss of for Rs 248.615 million due to irregular payments to franchises in excess of the agreed share of the central pool. The report said that there was irregular excess expenditure on production of PSL-II Final without proper estimation of Rs18.880 million. The auditors also revealed that PCB made an irregular expenditure of Rs126 million on marking campaign of PSL.
A final break up of those losses shows irregular award of compensation to the PSL franchises of Rs 54.490 million while the unjustified auction of franchisees caused loss of US$11 million. The board also failed to recover amounts due from franchisees worth Rs32.050 million.
The audit also revealed that the Pakistan board made an unauthorised and illicit transfer of PSL funds worth Rs145.148 million into third party bank accounts outside Pakistan, while the board faced a loss of Rs13 million due to non-auction of commercial broadcast rights.
Amongst wasteful expenditures made by the PCB was Rs12.646 million spent on account of TA/DA of journalists and Rs2.772 million on TA/DA and accommodation charges of members of the Board of Governors. The report also pointed out, the irregular and non-transparent award of franchise rights resulted in the loss of US $ 57 million while an irregular award of contract for Pakistan media rights to M/S Blitz is a loss of US$8.650 million.
After the audit report was put in front of the PCB, the board replied to the auditors by trying to justify its position. However, the auditors repudiated their response and justifications and made the irregularities part of the audit report.
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