Pratul Joshi News

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Bwf World ChampionshipsAsian Games 2022Bwf Australian OpenBwf Japan OpenKorea Open 2023Asian Junior Badminton ChampionshipBwf Canada OpenBwf Indonesian OpenSingapore OpenBwf Thailand OpenMalaysia MastersBwf Malaysia Masters2023 Malaysia OpenSudirman CupBadminton Asia ChampionshipsIndian Badminton LeagueOrleans Masters2023 Madrid MastersBwf Swiss OpenAll England Open2023 All England OpenIndonesia MastersBwf India Open 2023Bwf World Tour FinalsBwf Indian OpenHylo Open 2022Bwf French OpenBwf Junior World ChampionshipsCommonwealth GamesBwf Denmark OpenVietnam OpenBwf World Championship 20222022 Commonwealth GamesSingapore Open 2022Bwf Malaysia OpenIndia OpenIndonesia Open 2022Thomas And Uber CupKhelo India Youth GameBadminton Asia Team ChampionshipsBwf Korea OpenAll England ChampionshipBwf German OpenSyed Modi ChampionshipYonex India Open 20222021 Hylo OpenTokyo Olympics 2020Rio 20162021 Tokyo OlympicsBadminton World ChampionshipsSouth Asian GamesBwf Hong Kong OpenBwf China OpenSaarlorlux OpenBwf Dutch OpenDutch OpenHyderabad OpenPara Badminton World ChampionshipsAll India Junior RankingBwf Us OpenOlympicsAustralian Badminton OpenAsian GamesJunior Badminton NationalNew Zealand OpenAsian Badminton ChampionshipBwf Singapore OpenIndonesia Super Series PremierIndia Open BadmintonBwf China MastersRussia OpenSenior Badminton NationalsNational Badminton ChampionshipPbl 2018Premier Badminton LeagueChina OpenAsian Games 2018Senior National Rankings TitleGold Coast Commonwealth GamesPbl 2017Bwf Dubai World Super Series FinalsBwf Thaihot China OpenKorea Open 2016Dubai World Superseries Finals 2016Bwf Macau Open
Sourabh Verma and Pratul Joshi to clash in final of Senior Ranking badminton tournament

Sourabh Verma and Pratul Joshi to clash in final of Senior Ranking badminton tournament

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  • badminton
Lakshya Sen and Gayatri Gopichand breeze into the quarter-finals of the Senior Ranking Tournament

Lakshya Sen and Gayatri Gopichand breeze into the quarter-finals of the Senior Ranking Tournament

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  • badminton