IPKL 2019 | Diler Delhi beats Pondicherry Predators; Bangalore Rhinos’ draw with Chennai Challengers6 years agoreportkabaddi
IPKL 2019 | Diler Delhi are in a good position due to strong performances earlier, says Sunil Jaipal6 years agonewskabaddi
IPKL 2019 | Bangalore Rhinos rout Telugu Bulls; Mumbai Che Raje and Chennai Challengers register close wins6 years agoreportkabaddi
IPKL 2019 | Chennai Challengers win cliff-hanger against Telugu Bulls while Diler Delhi beats Mumbai Che Raje6 years agoreportkabaddi
IPKL 2019 | Chennai hold Mumbai to a draw; Diler Delhi register easy win against Telugu Bulls6 years agoreportkabaddi